made for: https://confoundingcalendar.itch.io/ 2023
left click place conveyor belt, hold shift to place multiple
left click to drag objects
right click to delete belts
z = undo, x/y = redo
equations work horizontally, vertically, and backwards
belts move numbers (edit: can now move symbols)
let me know if you beat my best cycles of 93
Music: "たぬきちの冒険" by MAKOOTO
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Awesome, just don't look in the comments until you've beaten it
i got 710
I got 33 nines in 82 cycles:
the rounding is extremely annoying
also `=` is left-associative for some reason. Is that intentional?
you mean if you have "=" on both sides of an equation, the left one triggers first? Didn't really consider it just happened to sort them that way
how do i not just multiply or divide once and then end up with only one number
am i stupid?
1 / 3 = infinite numbers
i don't get it
you need to get 33 9's
spoiler: 1/3=0.333333333
hello bcat112a I have beaten your best cycles of ninety-three with my contraption: one-hundred-and-six cycles. I will try for higher later. https://imgur.com/a/5gkI07b
the leftover clues at the end were very intruiging; I calculated the result and called the number on my cellular phone, only to hear the game’s muisc playing both forward and backwards at the same time. I have yet to discover what this is meant to signify
um the lower cycle numbers are better
Hint: it's probably a joke.
maybe, it's hard to tell when just typing
But what's the maximum cycles possible?
I verified a machine that ran for 226,186 cycles, which took about two hours on the highest speed.
This machine would in theory run for about 14,000,000 cycles, which is about 5 days. (EDIT: bad math, disregard this)
EDIT: After some better arrangement and some machine-aided optimization, revision 2 has a theoretical runtime of 61,000,000 cycles ≈ 3 weeks.
so, whos crazy enough to actually run it
finally, the interesting fact that 5/2=2.5 will be useful!!
how did you get 5 or 2
Okay there has to be something I'm missing, how do I not just immediately lose all my numbers?
EDIT: oh right
I wish we could conveyor the math symbols though
you can, but only if the numbers are trying to push them
What really? That's so strange
oops that's not supposed to happen, anyway i updated it so you can always move math symbols
I love your other game, fractal factory! (although I only found how to access it recently on itch, and will need to download it on my other computer because this one doesn't have a desktop)
Havent started, but I bet itll be fun.
398. woo
212. Long way to go
116. I need a better design
98. A little more...
88. Beat the creator, but I still can do better.
my first was 652
second try I got 99
moved it one right and made a simple optimisation and now it's 77.
the key is to use the same = for both divisions
great game! i got 61 with this configuration https://imgur.com/a/Xvl67Qr
oops i can't read so didn't realize equations worked backwards too...
here's a 35 https://imgur.com/a/NDLi6KR
simplest 34 I've found: https://imgur.com/PqdA2j8 (also loops cleanly)
Im not going to look at the images (so I can figure it out) but those are amazing scores!
I did look at (thinking that I wouldn't be able to easily remember it), but the solution was so simple I don't know how the creator didn't come up with it.
that division setup is really nice! I got 35 without it but couldn’t figure out how to shave that last cycle
mine is practically the same, but this was the least belts (21) I could go for 34 cycles https://imgur.com/a/lYvPYU9
You guys are amazing. btw 34 cycles is possible with 20 belts
oh I didn't see that, nice optimisation
here's 16 :D
got 105 cycles, i would love to see how you did it
great choice of music btw